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Search results for G*

Found 150 targets:

callsign age comment
GM4SLV-10 327d 5h54mAFSK 30m
G0FFB-8 153d 22h10mCurrently at work QTH
GIRARD 13m40s
G6ITM 4d 19h58mAPRS-IS for Win32
GW4JDZ-10 22m4sOpenWebRX APRS gateway
G0AMO 51d 19h12mMike in Andover UK IO91FF
GRYLCP-12 7d 11h59mAB1PH ATGP
G0JMS-7 48d 20h20mG0JMS Min FT2D
G0VNP-4 292d 3h40m
G0VNP-1 13m54s!INSERVICE!PHG2000
G7VJA-1 87d 22h14m_ ( G7VJA-JS )
G0VNP-10 1h55m
G0NEF-9 9s13.7V
G4ZJH 104d 16h5mPinPoint v2.1
GW3145 236d 12h25m0 Estacion Metereologica WX V1.12
G 79d 4h5mDaniel Verin
GM-1 239d 20h14mPrescott VHF
GW4052-10 333d 6h3mTest LoRa iGATE
G6UOH 25d 20h33mIC7300 30M End Fed
G7UKK-10 26m8sG7UKK iGate and Weather station. West Yorkshire
G8YPE-1 7m9s5W erp SW Birmingham iGate and Digipeater
G1ONV-4 358d 22h28mBob G1ONV 4.18V 96.6F TF Err
G4WLC-1 1sOldcroft WX
G1YRE 4m57sSteve - East Suffolk RAYNET
G7WDT 329d 20h10mAPRS-IS for Win32
GC1MBB-15 290d 12h33mLoRa-APRScube
G8JFX-01 328d 1h3mG8JFX MeshCom /B=100/T=nan
G8JBQ-2 256d 5h44m
GI-4 316d 3h24mPHGXJ60/ River Region ARA 146.805 114.8
GC9MBB-15 278d 8h44mLoRa-APRScube
GJ0SHL 308d 20h26m
G1XVW-12 305d 17h38mB=100
G6JPS 283d 1h51mMT-RTGü2
G4SRG 280d 18h47mG4SRG - Stafford Raynet GPS2
GM-2 273d 3h21mDigipeater APRS - Ustron Czantoria by SP9GM/SP9EP
GOGSSW-2 269d 13h3mMTT4BT TT4 V:12.9V t:32C de VA6DJH
G8PKY-9 2d 19h28mAPRS 144.800 Mhz 3.55V 21.6C
G8PKY-12 170d 22h47mAVRT5 20160512 3.41V
G0FFB 40d 12h55mA=462APRSpro for iPhone Kettering HOWDY M7GDT
GW5107 235d 16h43mboiweather
GW0753 208d 10mM7CBX-13 Weather Station #01 (v1.1f)
GRM3-7 205d 12h28mGRM (Grupo de Resgate em Montanha) em OCORRENCIA
G3YPE 201d 23h28mAPRS-IS for Win32
GC6YIR-13 120d 2h16m|*Á"i'e|
G1XVW-4 193d 18mB=100
G3MXH 184d 23h28mAPRS-IS for Win32
GAS-8 177d
GT0987 170d 9h41m
G6JME 6d 2h23m
GW5057 169d 1h12mCentral Carlos Cassaffousth (v3.0)
GM8BPQ-7 157d 55mLora Tracker Batt=3.15V
GW5180 156d 19h47mGruta San Martin de Porres - Barrio Casitas (v3.0)
GW5449 156d 14h29mGruta San Martin de Porres - Barrio Casitas (v3.0)
G6JME-10 73d 22mLoRa APRS
G5OYY-10 117d 13h24mLoRa APRS testing
GW4WND-3 13m24sLoRa APRS Digipeater TEST Batt=3.52V
G7VPU 148d 3h31mG7VPU
GRIMSH 143d 20h22mVA6SHS-10 Mackenzie Highway Network Grimshaw IGate
G0TQM-15 141d 6h57mmobile gateway
G4JDO 5d 16h21mSharkRF openSPOT4
G4WVR-12 138d 3h52mMeshCom Gateway /B=082
G5OYY-7 52d 23h21m144.500MHz G5OYY TESTING APRS
G4MEM-10 129d 16h33mLoRa APRS
G6OUA-7 129d 4h11mAPRS-IS for Win32
G8GPO-10 1m34sLoRa APRS
G6OUA 123d 4h10m
G6OUA-6 125d 1h38mAPRS-IS for Win32
GW3ATZ-14 42d 21h24mAPRS lora tracker 439.9125|'-$Y|
G4DUL-10 7m19sLoRa APRS
G4FKI-12 1h8mLoRa APRS
GM0UDL-10 115d 22h40mLoRa APRS 439.9125MHz testing solar
GAF-10 104d 10h10mGAFservice
GN6PHW 114d 4h7m!wòn!
G8GPO-2 110d 3h28m
G5OLD-11 108d 21h47mLoRa APRS 438.9125 Mhz
G4TEW 21d 3h29mAPRS-IS for Win32
G5OLD-10 96d 5h44mLoRa APRS
G0HIK-10 11m35sDuddon Estuary LoRa APRS iGate
G6SIC-5 95d 3h4mG6SIC-Tracker
G5OLD-7 10d 21h14m
GB2DIR-7 30d 18h8m
G4DDP-2 88d 23h18m
GD4HOZ-9 81d 1h14mAPRS-IS for Win32
G8EPQ-2 7d 22h28m
G0TQM-7 21h35mID52 RX DCS179G
G3BXF-3 74d 22h51m13.6V RATS
GW4306 70d 1h16mMiniWX Station YourHomeTown (v1.1g)
G8NAI-10 66d 23h7mPHG//00APRS-IS for Win32
GB7AUG-2 6d 2h11mGB7AUG Packet BBS - freq and info online - SYSOP GM5AUG
G4TVP-8 59d 5h32mGas: 173.76Kohms
GW3ATZ-5 3d 48mLora APRS 439.9125 Bat=4.92V100%
G6UIM 6m2s.weewx-5.1.0-Vantage
G8HIK 46d 2h35mAPRS-IS for Win32
G7UOD-12 40d 22h57mHugh Defender 90
G0RSQ 38d 13h8mSentinel HF SDR noise measurement receiver
G0HIK-7 34d 23h18m
G0HIK-8 34d 23h3m
G7USP 1h41mAPRS-IS for Win32
GM5AUG-2 20d 3h33mVR-N76 7.22V
G1SOM-10 32d 15h32mTaunton RAYNET -10 3.47V 50.5F
GW4212 25d 21h48mWX Station @CALP // Frame #3010
GW0POA-10 22d 15h30mCSN iGate
GI0AZB-12 17d 16h15mLoRa APRS
G7IEI-7 15h52mShaun Out And About Bat=4.13V (100%)
G4MDP-3 24d 21h27mAPRS-IS for Win32
G4BDW-10 13d 17h34mCSN iGate Mini - 144.800
G7KSE-4 13d 18h8mLoRa Digipeater -
G3CWI-5 10d 22h25mPortable LoRa igate
GB7TR 9d 23h30m434.000MHz T136 +000 R14k SE Kent Tetra DMO Repeater using Svx
G4DUL-2 7d 22h57mMARTIN
G4FKI-3 6d 21h49m
G0OZS-13 3d 23h54mG0OZS /M 12.33V
GW3ATZ-7 3d 36mLora APRS 439.9125 Bat=4.16V (100%)
GB7AUG 2d 6h44m42=SerialNmbr:MM0XXP-11>APLRG1,GM0GMT-4*,qAR,MB7UMT-10:!L2>[VMLza# GLoRa APRS Digi 439.9125 Batt=3.48V
GSTEST 1d 18h26m12.4V 99F PHG2710 W2,UTn N0NHJ
GW5331 1d 6h21mWX Station EB7BZA @Laredo (A los Polvorones) // AGRADABLE // Frame #1474
G4VNM 1d 1h43mAPRS-IS for Win32
GB7PR 17h35m434.050MHz T000 +000 R15k SvxLink by SM0SVX (
GW0535 17h3mMiniWX Station Ozun YO6HEG (v1.1f)
G1ONV-1 2m45sBob G1ONV-1 4.27V 68.3F_X
GM7GDE-8 2h3mMG Car
G8BPQ-7 1h7mLora Tracker Batt=3.26V
GW0POA-1 4h12mCSN iGate
G1AAK-1 46m22sCSN iGate ...Beacon on hourly intervals ..IO83pi
GCGH-11 2m10sGreene County General Hospital
G7IEI-5 40m54sLora-2 433.775
G0RNI-10 33m58sLoRa APRS
G3CWI-11 21m19sCheshire Plain LoRa Digipeater
G4DDP-10 20m5sLoRa APRS
G1IVG-12 19m3sMeshcom GW 439.9125MHz#Mkt Harborough/B=100
G7WKX-10 17m43sLoRa APRS iGate (RX only)
G7GKC-10 16m17sAPRS RX iGATE 12.1V...WESTHOUGHTON..14.8C
G7IEI-10 14m55sLoRa APRS Indoor DIPOLE 439.9125
GM4HEL-1 14m33sLomond Radio Club
GM4SLV-2 12mDIXPRS 2.2.2
GERLCH 1m54sW2 Black Rock Desert W7BRD/K1BRC
G0DDX-10 10m32sHardwick Lora Igate
GW0594 9m44sMiniWX Station Sfantu Gheorghe (v1.1f)
GM0USI-10 9m13sLoRa APRS - 439.9125
GB3HJ 9m3s433.025MHz T118 +160 GB3HJ Brimham Rocks
GW2094 7m43s73 de YO6RK - Marius
GI0AZB-10 7m17sLoRa APRS Oville House GI0AZB
GOODMN 1m15sGoodman Pt Igate 12.7V n0nhj
GW4340 3m4sMiniWX Balabansko,BG (v1.1f)
GM7AFE 3m41s(RFBeacon)-I-Gate Lunna, Shetland. 144.8MHz
GW5921 1m41s599
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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