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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of ONE INFINITY
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
GRAND ACE653.2 m 63°2025-02-14 10:46:00 MSC CAPE III77.1 m 44°2025-02-17 09:13:59
TS PUSAN93.6 m 336°2025-02-18 09:13:37 CA NAGOYA105.9 m 270°2025-02-17 03:57:47
HALLEY112.1 m 269°2025-02-11 16:48:12 KANWAY GLOBAL124.6 m 267°2025-02-13 06:42:25
SHENG HANG HUA 1125.3 m 134°2025-02-11 18:42:48 SITC SHANGHAI130.7 m 234°2025-02-17 10:46:55
KMTC SURABAYA133.8 m 309°2025-02-12 18:37:36 NORDBALTIC134.1 m 261°2025-02-17 23:37:00
COSCO EXCELLENCE137.1 m 338°2025-02-13 19:14:23 XIN BEI LUN146.5 m 311°2025-02-12 00:24:13
JAN177.4 m 318°2025-02-11 17:43:42 PALU BAY178.2 m 25°2025-02-13 16:39:35
WAN HAI 292188.8 m 346°2025-02-15 11:37:33 KMTC PUSAN204.7 m 325°2025-02-15 03:35:28
INCHEON VOYAGER206.9 m 171°2025-02-11 04:26:16 PANCON HARMONY208.3 m 243°2025-02-17 21:49:53
JIN HAI TAO211.2 m 1°2025-02-15 10:00:28 TS NAGOYA216.6 m 102°2025-02-13 23:39:23
EVER PRIMA233.1 m 317°2025-02-16 11:11:31 TS TIANJIN236.1 m 116°2025-02-12 23:07:27
WAN HAI 352239.1 m 319°2025-02-16 17:51:24 NATTHA BHUM239.2 m 317°2025-02-11 08:38:33
SHENG YOU 238248.4 m 343°2025-02-17 05:50:19 MILD PEONY253.0 m 306°2025-02-15 02:06:10
CHANG YUAN 769253.2 m 81°2025-02-17 16:46:06 HOUYOSHI EXPRESS II270.1 m 307°2025-02-15 09:51:08
SARAH13280.0 m 307°2025-02-15 18:48:05 CMA CGM OHIO282.6 m 335°2025-02-17 20:07:14
KOTA HAPAS286.7 m 338°2025-02-15 10:06:12 SITC PYEONGTAEK298.6 m 304°2025-02-14 14:13:23
LIAN FENG 7310.7 m 265°2025-02-17 05:39:26 EVER PEARL318.3 m 303°2025-02-13 21:52:16
SAMAL322.0 m 316°2025-02-13 06:47:35 SYMEON P331.4 m 296°2025-02-13 09:42:24
QIAN KUN332.7 m 295°2025-02-11 10:38:34 CMA CGM APOLLON335.3 m 6°2025-02-12 20:15:37
EVER BASIS374.3 m 341°2025-02-15 17:47:06 XIN YING KOU374.8 m 3°2025-02-16 12:06:00
EVER SAFETY376.6 m 350°2025-02-12 20:02:43 ZHONG GU TAI YUAN377.7 m 310°2025-02-13 11:09:17
STARSHIP URSA380.9 m 335°2025-02-11 22:33:30 RUI SHENG 17390.5 m 97°2025-02-17 13:37:25
PANCON BRIDGE392.8 m 318°2025-02-18 04:36:25 PACIFIC BEIJING394.0 m 298°2025-02-17 00:52:09
DISCOVERY BAY 5397.0 m 325°2025-02-18 11:24:13 INTERASIA VISION404.9 m 330°2025-02-13 20:22:22
RUN XIANG420.7 m 305°2025-02-18 08:59:14 WAN HAI 285428.3 m 339°2025-02-12 23:45:48
KMTC NAGOYA432.0 m 299°2025-02-15 18:44:28 TS JAKARTA432.8 m 341°2025-02-17 15:00:16
SEA HARVEST434.3 m 325°2025-02-15 13:24:40 TS HAKATA446.3 m 336°2025-02-15 18:50:40
CAPE FORBY461.1 m 335°2025-02-16 05:32:47 LINDA FORTUNE462.0 m 319°2025-02-16 04:18:03
INDURO462.7 m 320°2025-02-18 02:59:00 JIN WAN XIANG 168480.9 m 106°2025-02-17 11:49:56
SAFEEN STRENGTH481.4 m 169°2025-02-17 13:36:23 KOTA PEONY485.0 m 327°2025-02-17 13:10:36
JACK LONDON497.4 m 335°2025-02-14 07:23:41 SPIL NINGSIH499.0 m 323°2025-02-13 11:48:37
STARSHIP DRACO501.0 m 331°2025-02-16 17:42:08 WAN HAI 296511.6 m 322°2025-02-16 09:36:38
DERYOUNG SPRING526.6 m 327°2025-02-13 03:30:09 NAGOYA TRADER530.7 m 324°2025-02-14 03:42:57
YM CERTAINTY532.8 m 313°2025-02-17 10:30:47 M/V AZALEA535.1 m 312°2025-02-12 02:14:12
HENG YUN 10537.2 m 71°2025-02-18 00:22:06 WAN HAI 369538.6 m 325°2025-02-16 22:45:17
LIMA EXPRESS542.5 m 326°2025-02-11 07:07:28 YOKOHAMA TRADER544.9 m 326°2025-02-13 21:43:00
KMTC SINGAPORE545.6 m 335°2025-02-12 10:35:59 HEUNG-A HAIPHONG545.6 m 1°2025-02-14 20:38:01
GREEN EARTH549.2 m 330°2025-02-11 22:51:32 MAERSK LONDRINA550.6 m 356°2025-02-12 07:18:50
WAN HAI 373566.7 m 333°2025-02-12 13:54:36 KMTC TAIPEIS586.6 m 322°2025-02-13 15:07:06
STAR EXPLORER587.0 m 309°2025-02-16 22:28:16 SUNNY SAIL NO.2604.0 m 283°2025-02-17 14:25:56
OOCL AMERICA608.2 m 329°2025-02-12 06:47:26 MISSISSIPPI610.7 m 322°2025-02-11 05:34:50
OPTIMA614.7 m 344°2025-02-12 13:35:32 YIU FU 3618.3 m 11°2025-02-16 14:22:46
GREEN CELEBRITY631.5 m 317°2025-02-14 14:58:58 HKNC NO.2633.7 m 83°2025-02-18 11:32:21
H CYGNUS642.0 m 353°2025-02-15 17:54:55 LEE BO644.5 m 63°2025-02-18 07:12:43
ST.COLUMBA657.8 m 315°2025-02-11 18:37:08 NORDMAAS664.0 m 310°2025-02-13 14:37:06
GOLDEN DRAGON 338664.5 m 96°2025-02-18 03:53:41 SKY ORION673.7 m 354°2025-02-15 04:18:29
BEIJING680.2 m 333°2025-02-12 18:57:42 INTERASIA ADVANCE683.4 m 332°2025-02-15 22:31:57
GREEN CLARITY695.6 m 337°2025-02-14 10:34:24 BF TIGER700.0 m 336°2025-02-18 02:38:16
EVER WEB702.7 m 322°2025-02-13 09:37:13 MILD ROSE709.8 m 323°2025-02-13 09:48:05
MAERSK KEELUNG716.6 m 329°2025-02-16 16:31:30 LEE YEE720.5 m 81°2025-02-18 03:00:03
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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