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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of NIEDERSACHSEN 11
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
ADELAAR3.0 m 317°2025-02-19 08:47:38 LENA14.5 m 72°2025-02-09 08:53:23
LINDENHOF14.6 m 172°2025-02-28 04:59:58 WERCHINA14.6 m 58°2025-02-28 10:54:47
BELLOTTO25.3 m 296°2025-02-26 19:23:25 KVB TOKKO27.9 m 17°2025-02-28 13:11:02
ARIEL28.6 m 166°2025-02-07 19:27:09 GREFO29.0 m 92°2025-02-18 15:05:57
GRECHETTO31.1 m 235°2025-02-25 01:26:26 MARIS32.8 m 162°2025-02-11 05:07:40
WELFRA34.9 m 329°2025-01-31 13:46:57 GOTTARDO35.2 m 74°2025-02-28 16:16:04
ELISE44.6 m 143°2025-02-27 07:46:56 XANDO50.1 m 356°2025-02-27 06:32:43
ORTELIUS52.9 m 329°2025-02-27 07:41:51 ROGER56.7 m 309°2025-02-24 17:03:04
KAMPERZAND59.5 m 159°2025-03-01 04:54:38 TRIVENTO63.2 m 322°2025-02-27 08:39:48
MIRA VITA75.1 m 334°2025-02-27 18:08:12 HILBER77.9 m 3°2025-02-28 07:36:32
CONCORDIA79.2 m 119°2025-02-27 13:57:05 RITRABO81.9 m 330°2025-02-23 07:19:49
CYNTHIA87.2 m 161°2025-02-26 19:33:36 AQUAFORTEM90.6 m 349°2025-02-27 07:06:16
CARON90.8 m 123°2025-03-01 04:41:25 PHERUSA91.7 m 331°2025-02-26 03:40:48
AUDENDA94.3 m 154°2025-02-21 19:30:59 ISIS99.0 m 203°2025-02-28 19:53:39
TRIANGLE102.5 m 140°2025-02-27 01:15:27 SAN ANTONIO104.7 m 142°2025-02-21 19:50:18
BENO110.8 m 134°2025-02-24 12:26:30 VESALIA112.8 m 49°2025-02-14 12:58:13
BARCELONA113.4 m 323°2025-02-26 08:45:50 DECIBEL116.6 m 329°2025-02-28 14:03:54
UNDINE 5119.5 m 143°2025-02-28 15:16:05 ALASKA121.1 m 359°2025-02-17 15:04:07
INTEGRO121.2 m 71°2025-02-28 13:03:55 IMAGE124.4 m 312°2025-02-17 16:44:47
AVALONA124.7 m 131°2025-02-10 08:36:56 ALLEGRETTO132.2 m 150°2025-03-01 03:01:47
SAM135.5 m 347°2025-01-30 16:46:11 SIANTO136.9 m 136°2025-02-26 06:30:37
EVENTUS141.1 m 143°2025-02-25 12:54:51 RED141.3 m 85°2025-02-23 05:54:23
VIANEN141.5 m 308°2025-02-27 05:22:33 CANDESSO147.4 m 14°2025-03-01 06:38:20
GRIFFIOEN152.4 m 78°2025-02-28 16:26:14 CORRADO156.2 m 140°2025-02-23 08:22:53
SALVA159.6 m 351°2025-02-28 20:19:04 VREELAND160.0 m 134°2025-02-25 08:43:40
CREDENDO VIDES 3160.6 m 347°2025-02-22 14:39:02 TELESTO162.0 m 154°2025-02-06 06:25:14
ACHELOOS163.9 m 137°2025-02-28 06:58:55 VECHTLAND178.3 m 137°2025-02-26 16:53:54
EDELWEISS181.1 m 331°2025-01-31 06:47:04 DUC IN ALTUM181.4 m 327°2025-02-25 17:22:16
SOLANDA186.4 m 148°2025-01-30 16:38:03 NAVI1187.4 m 154°2025-02-08 11:12:49
MANGUSTA194.1 m 96°2025-03-01 05:23:06 LA FOSCA197.4 m 144°2025-02-23 14:02:32
DOLLARD203.5 m 137°2025-02-25 12:11:08 VICTORY205.9 m 348°2025-02-28 18:41:27
GRACIAS208.1 m 146°2025-02-27 12:49:59 SILJA 3209.1 m 143°2025-02-25 13:27:23
SCHLOSS-RHEINSBERG209.8 m 146°2025-02-25 14:40:36 CONSENSUS210.1 m 147°2025-02-18 15:13:05
LADJARICA211.4 m 149°2025-02-11 11:48:14 HERKULES II213.7 m 331°2025-03-01 04:46:30
EILTANK 40218.6 m 145°2025-02-28 17:28:15 CARONIA219.3 m 327°2025-02-26 10:13:19
AVILA225.3 m 326°2025-02-22 16:04:27 CRIGEE229.3 m 142°2025-02-25 10:12:11
FLB WESEL229.4 m 132°2025-02-24 14:30:32 VEERHAVEN X231.1 m 151°2025-02-28 09:38:32
VARIANT232.9 m 154°2025-02-14 19:44:54 COBRA233.7 m 147°2025-02-02 06:07:58
HERKULES X234.4 m 150°2025-02-26 19:20:21 H&S HONESTY234.8 m 148°2025-02-20 17:51:25
ALMENHOF236.2 m 322°2025-02-27 21:35:39 OVERWAARD238.0 m 330°2025-02-28 07:52:48
WSP 11239.0 m 150°2025-02-07 09:39:27 ROJANA242.3 m 148°2025-02-22 05:59:29
RIPOSA244.2 m 150°2025-02-26 17:00:00 WIDDER249.1 m 109°2025-02-19 10:05:55
ANNA GERHARDT255.7 m 149°2025-02-27 15:15:22 MERWELAND255.9 m 147°2025-02-27 12:23:33
OHANA261.9 m 148°2025-02-12 15:52:18 SEMPER-SPERA262.3 m 152°2025-02-26 06:33:40
HM RHEINLAND266.5 m 111°2025-02-26 10:11:16 NORDIC LIGHT268.8 m 143°2025-02-23 07:34:04
DRAGONFLY270.9 m 150°2025-02-22 11:36:00 AUTAN271.8 m 326°2025-02-24 13:48:51
MAI PENSATO272.0 m 148°2025-02-14 12:24:40 SIMUL FORTI272.1 m 146°2025-03-01 06:12:55
FELLOWSHIP274.2 m 145°2025-02-22 10:04:30 AMY278.7 m 143°2025-02-25 16:24:18
NOTEC282.0 m 145°2025-02-17 16:06:09 MORGENSTERN284.7 m 150°2025-02-23 10:00:31
AMY286.9 m 150°2025-02-10 16:50:06 TARA288.6 m 141°2025-02-23 09:32:03
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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